Copanex Secures Convincing 4-0 Victory Over Calcio 40 in Group D Clash

In a dominant display at the Masters Cup tournament in Moldova, Copanex cruised to a commanding 4-0 win over Calcio 40 in their Group D encounter. The result sees Copanex level on points with Arsenal at the top of the group standings, while Calcio 40 remains without a point after playing two matches.

From the opening whistle, Copanex asserted their authority, dictating the tempo of the game and creating numerous scoring opportunities. The breakthrough came early in the match, as Copanex capitalized on their attacking prowess to take the lead.

As the game progressed, Copanex continued to apply pressure, adding to their lead with clinical finishing and astute buildup play. Calcio 40 struggled to contain the relentless onslaught from their opponents, as Copanex asserted their dominance on the pitch.

With the victory all but secured, Copanex maintained their focus and discipline, ensuring that Calcio 40 were unable to mount a comeback. The final whistle blew with Copanex emerging as comfortable winners, securing a vital three points in the process.

The result sees Copanex level on points with Arsenal at the summit of Group D, setting up an intriguing battle for supremacy in the upcoming matches. Meanwhile, Calcio 40 will be left ruing their missed opportunities as they continue to search for their first points of the tournament.